Wiscasset voters repeal preservation ordinance, elect Dunning, Andersson and Whitfield https://bit.ly/3kgaWqT
Rangeley: Saddleback Mountain to reopen in December with new $7.2M quad lift, other upgrades https://bit.ly/3iiyDhx
State reinstates license of Millinocket inn where wedding COVID-19 outbreak began https://bit.ly/2G70vXK
Coronavirus outbreak at York County Jail grows to 54 cases, linked to Millinocket wedding https://bit.ly/2DeZegd
Buckfield voters reject most requests for equipment, extend select board to 5 members https://bit.ly/2Ex01cX
Thorndike voters replace all 3 select board members, fail to fund salt and sand shed https://bit.ly/3b5D3pd
Rockport voters elect Hannan, Kelley to the select board, approve citizen petitions https://bit.ly/2FGZSUR
Maine biomass energy company files breach of contract complaint against KMW Energy https://bit.ly/3aBp3mT
Livermore voters OK medical marijuana ordinance, money for highway department and road upgrades https://bit.ly/31I0xfP
Andover residents honor Freeman Farrington at town meeting, vote on 58 articles https://bit.ly/30H0bqw
Ludlow voters approve Houlton ambulance and fire contracts in first outdoor town meeting https://bit.ly/337XMqC